Sunday, September 26, 2010

At Face With The Hands of Time


My Name is Diamond White , If you happened to not know>>

Lets get up to date, Shall we ?

I am currently a student in a College

I Am Recently Single***

Now let me begin to tell you whats on my mind.

So lately I've been having trouble finding friends at college.

Over the weekend I hung out with two girls,who I must say are obssessed with boys. What is this middle school? GROW THE FUCK UP. The world is not over without a man in your lives. I wanted to say buy you a dildo and get a dog because they do the same god damn thing. We went to the club last nite ,,,same lame ass scene ,,,boreing as fuck , ok ! One of the two girls turns to me and says "Am I ugly " ..In my head I'm thinking honestly don't ask me that fucking question because the ugliest person can make themseleves look cute with a little time and effort and honestly you just need more effort. That just says alot about self confidence and I dont know If I want to hangout with someone so unconfident because Bitch my confidence is out the roof! And I like to run with the bitches with the same idea but I still do it humbly and thats how I want them to be.I'm tired of women settling for less .Everybody fucking Settles ..FUCK THAT SHIT, women rise up and see your worth. Just recently I decided that I will no longer live my life in fear, for a man, waiting for a man, or none of that shit because I am too damn smart for that shit an I've waisted too much time on that shit. Most dudes are so fucking foni I havent met too many ginuene people here at college. That is also why I hate these people, Its fucking high school all over again. I have to transfer ,I'm completly over this school. No one here has any real ambitions. But fuck it I fucking know I'm a star with my own shinning light bitch muthafucking Diamond White! I watch SunSet Boulavard today mite I say it was a masterpiece..anyways this is the movie for fucking the greatest quotes in the world. The protagonist in the movie says " I'm a star and this is my life , I love all of you. Its just us and the cameras and the wonderful people in the dark." The movie was about how people will sell their lives out and become anybody inorder to famous." Its a great theme, A theme I can relate to, All of these people are fucking sell out.POINT BLANK. All of this was getting to me the other day ,when I realized I need to take a trip to the hairdresser because I had something on my mind. Oh and ladies this is a great thing to do if you need to just talk because your hairdresser will tell it like it is and send you on your way looking like a bad bitch , so its a win win situation. She told me that she used to be a loner and that she was ok with it, all you have is yourself and love it . Realize its ok to be alone because at some point in your life you should take some time out and get to know you. Also why lower my standard and talk to people who i dont like anyways , that would get erk my nerves even more @ least I like myself . LOL Anyways I got all of this out of 6 words she said to me "People get on my nerves gurl." Then it struck me this is a successful black woman. A Bad Bitch. and shes happy. So why fucking not be proud of being lonely .Bitch I'm fucking lonely and proud of it.

AND I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! (Smokey from "Friday" voice)

Recent News that Kinda Shocked me (Not Reali)

Bishop Eddie Long Scandal !...That Nigga looks Gay So of course hes going to like boys ?

(Look at this tight ass shirt, He swallows cum by the gallons ladies and gentlman)
Mi Amor
Nora Jones
and When its time to party. "No Hands " Waka Flock Flame.Wale.Rosco. Yea Grl !
YouTube Video
Sunset Boulevard